Last week I visited the inspiring exhibition The Art of Banksy. Touring 5 of our capital cities, I saw the show in Sydney. The full title is 'The Art of Banksy Australia Without Limits – There’s Always Hope'.

While walking around viewing the artwork, I realised how powerful art can be in delivering a clear and mind changing message.

Banksy’s artworks shocked me because they brought awareness to some serious world issues such as refugees, unjust wars, child labour, corruption, and the impact of corporate greed. These works ask for - or maybe demand- social justice.

It was impossible not to pause and reflect after my experience with Banksy. The artworks unanimously start a conversation and contribute to creating social change.

 This type of art can do the same for People with Disabilities.

Our society is still learning to navigate how to relate to and embrace people with disability in all its layers.

 Although much has been done in recent years, there are still so many areas that need more awareness. And there are still areas that need greater equality and equity, for example People with Disabilities gaining access to quality employment opportunities.

Helping people understand the experience of disability and the diversity of that experience is an important step that can be supported by art.

For this reason, I am very excited to see the art being submitted to the Artful Art Prize. Especially the works that share a lived experience of disability. The tagline of Artful is 'Creative Expression for All' and it's truly that. Anyone can enter - age, ability, disability, location - all welcome.

If you have not heard of Artful yet, that is okay. This is the first year this wonderful community event has been run. A partnership between Accessible Arts and Achieve Australia, submissions are made via the Artful website making it easier to enter for people around our country.

Please go to the Artful website and click on the Gallery tab to see some truly wonderful artworks.

There is artwork created to be whimsical, colourful, dreamlike, and fun. Other artwork challenges, advocates and shares. Several artists seek to educate the viewer about the artist's lived experience of disability or another aspect of their humanity.

Do take a virtual tour. You will find much to surprise and delight you. A simple artwork can go a long way to starting a change and contributing to a better future for all members of society. 

 While you're on the Gallery, see if you can spot my artwork.