Achieve Australia's Child Protection Statement


Achieve Australia is committed to promoting and maintaining a culture that puts the interest of children and young people first. 

As part of this commitment, Achieve Australia: 

  • provides a safe environment for children and young people regardless of age, cultural background, gender or sexual identity  
  • upholds the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 
  • rigorously maintains zero-tolerance of the exploitation, abuse or neglect of children and young people.  


We believe that children have the right to:  

  • be protected from physical and psychological harm 
  • thrive in a safe and nurturing environment 
  • be valued and respected as individuals 
  • have their voices heard 
  • be supported to reach their emotional and physical potential. 

Achieve explicitly holds all staff, contractors, and volunteers responsible for the protection of children and young people. We also expect anyone who works for us or with us to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with being a positive role model to children and young people.  

We are committed to actions to keep children and young people safe that include: 

  • embedding child safe practices at all levels of our organisation 
  • including children and young people in decisions that affect them 
  • informing families and our community about how we keep children safe 
  • living our belief that all children deserve supports that are equitable and respectful of their diversity 
  • providing training and support to ensure staff have the skills to understand how to support children and young people 
  • proactively engaging in a culture of continuous improvement where we respond and investigate all allegations or complaints of child abuse in a child focused way 
  • providing safe physical and online environments for children where we actively attempt to minimise the likelihood that abuse can occur 
  • having a comprehensive policy and procedure framework that outlines how we protect children and young people and review this regularly 
  • adhering to all applicable legislative and regulatory compliance required of a service providing care to children and young people. 

Achieve Australia believes all children and young people should be supported to thrive and live to their potential. To do this, they need to be provided every opportunity to be safe, happy and have their material and emotional needs met through meaningful connections to family and the communities that protect them.  

carer and a boy with disability is laughing together and having a good time